Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hola, fellow blog followers!  I know you guys are itching to hear something of my brothers.  Yes, that's correct; unfortunately I'm not my mom Kristin. This is Haley, the eldest daughter.  Although she's fantabulous, my parents could not access their blog in China and, thus, are unable to post the blogs.  For the time being, they are going to be sending the updates (pix and info) through email.  Once they come back on the 17th, they'll begin to post on the blog about Parsley going-ons.  But, for now, I can send your emails to my parents so that you can receive their updates.  Please let me know by commenting on this post.  I don't want to be sending your emails to them without your knowledge.  If you are following this blog of your own accord and haven't officially "joined this site", also comment below.  Thanks so much for your interest and I apologize for the inconvenience.  Timothy and Samuel are a blessing...happy as larks.  They arrived safely to my parents and little sis Grace.  Mom and Grace have Samuel in Hohhot.  Dad has Timothy in his own province...northern China, I believe.  I'm unsure of the exact name of the province.  Please let me know!  Adios!